Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Postcard Collecting

I found this site today and I absolutely love it!


It's full of all kinds of interesting facts and images of postcards from all over the world. It's a well managed and moderated site so there are no junk posts and questions get answered very fast.

    This particular topic I found very interesting:

  Discussion thread, Swedish Easter Witches

       I have never heard of Easter witches and would have assumed all postcards bearing images of witches would be halloween related.

     Neat information and a fun fact to have on board that these cards are particularly collectible when searching for new things to sell.



  1. I am glad you mentioned Postcardy.com which is my website. However, it is not related to PostcardCollector.org, although I do post some things on that forum.

  2. Oops! Sorry about that, thanks for the clarification.
