Grrl Pickers are a small group of friends who sell anything vintage that catches our fancy. We sell online through eBay and Etsy (see links on this page) and we also sell locally through Under the Bed Vintage and Collectibles (located at 386 Lindelof Ave, Stoughton, MA) and through Middleboro Antiques located in Middleboro, MA. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by email: grrlpickers@aol.com or through our Facebook page.
Visit us on other sites, click links below
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Merry Christmas vintage style!
We search the internet for awesome vintage images so you don't have to!
Merry Christmas and happy Holidays from Grrl Pickers : )
Hope everyone had the best holiday ever! : ) -Grrl Picker Laura
Hope everyone had the best holiday ever! : ) -Grrl Picker Laura
Friday, December 13, 2013
Tiny Music Note Confetti in Basic Black
We've sold lot of this confetti that we have made from vintage sheet music, I don't know why it had not occured to us before now to manufacture it in basic black...
Available now in both our Etsy and eBay shops!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Same Grrl's, new look : )
New business cards with our names and new URL/Domain.
Feeling all super fine and fancy right now...
: )
Monday, December 2, 2013
One of Our Favorite Things: RainyDay379 Etsy shop!
Grrl Picker Lacy absolutely loves her cast iron pans and Grrl Picker Laura has tried to like them but gets frustrated with hot handles. (I absolutely adore my mothers old coper bottom Revere Ware pots and pans with protective handles built right in, it's such a shame I can't find any like that anymore. My husband bought me new Revere Ware pans but with out the protective handles, they're just not the same...) Anyhoo... One of Grrl Picker Laura's long time cyber friends has her own Etsy shop and guess what she makes and sells? Kick Ass cast iron pot handle covers!
Sharing the love this Cyber Monday for one of our favorite things!
Sharing the love this Cyber Monday for one of our favorite things!
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Decidedly Different Dancers
I found these photos on the Library of Congress web site, the first woman was labeled "society dancer":
The next woman was decidedly of a different society all together:
The last one seemed to be a little of both and I think that's why I like her best:
It's fun to imagine all 3 at a dinner party, I still think I'd find the conversation of the 3rd woman the ost interesting however it appears that they would all have fascinating stories to tell...
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
1894 Early Dancer
What she lacks in grace she certainly makes up for in general gleefullness....
Ode to joy...
Friday, November 1, 2013
Women in Hats
I found these on the Library of Congress web site, I absolutely love that in this day and age one can simply type into a search engine a key phrase (such as "large hat") and a thousand images instantly leap to life on the screen right here at home. At the time when these photos were taken, I am quite sure none of these women could ever have imagined such a thing being possible.
Much less that a creatures such as myself eating a bagel, still in my jammies at noon time, would be the one picking through images of thier finery...
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Vintage Alaska Graveyard Photos (early 1900's)
I found these on the University of Washington web site while searching for something spooky and Halloween-ie-ish to post here.
These photos are in actuality far more hauntingly beautiful than they are creepy but I found them so interesting that I thought they are worth sharing anyway.
I spend a lot of my computer time primarily on business realted stuff but I am now wondering what other vintage wonderments are out there waiting to be unearthed (no graveyard pun intended, ok, maybe a little intended... : )
I really need to set aside a little bit of time each week to look things up simply for my own amusement and not just to try and retail price a thing in our collections...
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Vintage 1901 film 23rd Street NYC, five decades before Marilyn made this behavior iconic.
I found this bit of film on The Library of Congress web site and although I noticed several of the women in it seemed to be wearing identical outfits, (not to mention that very few city walkers were even remotely glancing at the camera which must have been HUGE and not a commonplace item on the street for it's time) I didn't realize that it was most likely a staged scene until closer to the end.
Risque behavior, 1901 style.
(50 some odd years before The Seven Year Itch, clearly these film makers way ahead of thier time: )
Risque behavior, 1901 style.
(50 some odd years before The Seven Year Itch, clearly these film makers way ahead of thier time: )
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Business as usual...
My day has been absolutely made by an order for trading cards that charmed me to no end.
Part of the address included, "Honeypot Business Center" and all I could think was "Like where Winnie the Pooh would work?!?"
I seriously want to stick Winnie the Pooh stickers all over this envelope but what if it's a serious business building?
It could be..
I would hate to lose a potential repeat customer for sticking silly stickers on an envelope headed for "The Honeypot Business Center" if it's actually a Fortune 500 international banking hub and I'm just too daft to know anything about it.
"Honeypot" could also be an adult business center, specializing in "mature" business for "adults only" and I think that would be even more awful if an envelope covered in Winnie the Pooh stickers showed up at the office.
Boring as it is, the cards will be sent in a plain white envelope and I will just have to keep to myself the charming thought that perhaps,
just perhaps,
Grrl Pickers can now count inhabitants of the 100 acre wood as customers....
: )
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Your Lucky Day Thrift Shop - Sunday Flea Market Stoughton, MA
I am headed over to Your Lucky Day thrift Shop in Stoughton, MA to participate in their Sunday Flea Market.
Looking forward to a new venue and the fact that this particular flea market is indoors, I've had enough flea market sunburn this season to last me a lifetime!
If you are in the neighborhood today, stop on by!
If not today, stop by some other time, or go ahead and "like" thier facebook page.
There is always something new and fun at Your Lucky Day thrift shop!
Your Lucky Day Thrift Shop Facebook Page
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Have a very vintage summer!
Only a few short weeks of summer left, enjoy the time left in vintage style!
(Clara Bow and her dog, Duke)
Dog Days of Summer (vintage postcards featuring dogs)
A few cute vintage postcards featuring dogs:
And Grrl Picker Laura's resident live in beastie, "Chewie". He is not a postcard but he's cute enough to be featured anyways...
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Ray Bolger postcard - Scarecrow Wizard of Oz
Interesting postcard featuring actor Ray Bolger who went on to star as the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Evelyn Nesbit - Hollywood Scandal
Grrl Pickers love historic Hollywood and even more so, historic Hollywood scandal.
While looking at vintage postcards online, I found this one and the name of the model rang an instant bell.
One more great thing about postcards is that one can find images of famous (and perhaps infamous as well) persons that are not as widely distributed images as found in magazines etc.

Coniving seductress or misused child actress grown into confused woman, it's hard to say who Evelyn Nesbit really was but we sure do love the mystery of wondering...
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